
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2018

Applying for a scholarship

Ignacio Vallejos is a psychology student at the "Universidad de Chile", Santiago, Chile. He has always been a good student; actually, he won a lot of awards at school, including the first place of good marks at his high school at 12th grade, "the best partner" three following years (9th, 10th and 11th), the best of English at 11th and others. Talking now about some of his experiences, he went to swimming classes as a child, also he was part of student centre at 8th grade and he used to play the violin at the school orchestra. Some of his hobbies are reading, writing poems, listen to music, watch movies and go to the theater. Considering his skills, he is good at writing and organizing things. Currently he is preparing to be Statistics assistant and he is applying to have a scholarship to study abroad, for learning more about English and psychology, the field that he loves. Finally, he is living in Santiago, but thinking to go to other place. If you want to contact h